Monday, March 28, 2005

So the fantastic weekend I had is long done *BUMMER* and before I know it.. it's MONDAY BLUES YET AGAIN!!!

So wassup the entire 3 days which I thought will last forever?


the holidays literally evapourated in the blink of an eye!

Despite a tragic Monday blues to boot last week there was saving grace because there was no class the entire week or at least I thought of Saturday..To have my classmate call at 1 to say there is class at 1.30pm. I was in front of the TV just vegetating the brain to make sure it turn slushy enough and suddenly you want me to turn studious.. TEDIOUS LAH!!! However I feel dammit guilty because I reckon I should be attending classes and not skipping like that consider the $$$ I paid! ANYWAY... WHATEVER!

I have the most unfortunate luck to witness some superb tantrums acts by our jules on Thursday over a blardy phone call. They come in a group of 3 so when I asked someone in tat 3 if she want to hang out, I expect her to ask the latter 2... now the thing is... the someone I called did exactly what I thought she would do and the jules thought I was snubbing her by not calling her personally and blah blah you get the picture... if you dont.. it really aint worthy to repeat because a 4 year old give better reasons for a tantrum! I only realized her unhappiness when she mis-sent a sms to me.... apparently to start to bitch about me. How nice! So I responded back and told her it was not my intend blah blah... you get the picture... everything seems nice and dandy and all that jazz but I know what goes behind me.. WHATEVER!

I went to heard shirlyn and her band play on Friday with the newly christianed Mimi and Lulu aka CP and Kel.. haha.. plus jules (yes... she went anyway but the latter 2 didnt...)and of course my gang of 2 zother *lol* It was great... I mean the air's clearer and we got seats! How nice! Although the bad side was out view was only of Brandon playing the drums.. anyway he have some nifty move.. on the drums that is... lus' and mis' went off earlier after the 2nd set while we stayed the entire sets. Great music! The more I hear them I love them to bits.. I mean.. I dont get seinfeld anymore and at times shirlyn reminds me of him thru their cynical humour and she is damn cute!

So what do we do on sat, I skip the irish fest because zother was taking TOO LONG A TIME PREPARING! so we went to Wala straight to catch Shir for another 3 sets =E.... this time I ask hock and wife plus al and teng along.. while zother asked scourge, fang and keat... The thing with us is.. we both enjoy it so much while our company didnt! Hock and teng claimed they like but their spouses doesnt... while scourge did the most ultimate thing at wala! After refusing the 1 for 1 offer... they went to the 7-11 or kopi shop or whatever to get their fill of drinks before coming back. It was so pretty obvious that no one was enjoying theirselves but me and zother and teng seems engrossed as well... Anyway the spouses wanted to go home and teng and hock have to go after the 2nd set.. scourge and company also pull the same thing so we told them rather confidently just go.. I mean, I drove so there is no transport problem and really... we really can enjoy the whole thing without company from them. I just cannot help but have a punny feeling that scourge we will go with them if they say go. I am glad I was adamant... Side notes: Just to spite scourge, Xiang who dropped in bought me and zother drinks.. how that for ego blasting. For the record, we are really not out to fleece anyone and just wanted to show scourge that is gentleman... and him.... SO NOT!!

On Sunday went to this Fashion show thingy with a real runway and stuff at TAKA compliments of Fion and Mi's. Swanky no less and the who and who's was there *i think* ANYWAY not for the fact that zother was wanting to go.. I truly wont bother. WEnt spent money and get my magazine reading at kino. After a while, Xiang came down with a frd and we wanted to buy them dinner for the drinks he bought us yesterday who knows.. halfway through his frd decided to go to the little boy's room and pick up the tab on the way back?!?!?!? Anyway we paid for the movies ticket later on.. Lemony Smicket; a Series of unfortunate events was really funny. What do you expect from Jim Carrey?!

To sum up the week... extremely $$$ wasting... I am going to try to lower my expenditure. I am spending way too much on drinks..........

School today is on... but then again the lecturer is kinda interesting... Basically there aint much blues...


Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Despite the huge depression I seems to have yesterday... everything sorta evaporated when I reach home. I think depression is not chronic and is an easily cured ailments if you behave like me when you watch TV... you prop up the legs and sit like you dont have any backbones to speak of and just laugh and think TV 24/7 while watching it!

Anyway to cure my depression, I bought tickets to Selena Tan and Hossan Leong Stand-up comedy act on the 3rd May. It's a preview show and I am sure it be a blast! Bullocks to those who say Singapore have no talent! Despite the tickets aint cheap?!?!! I mean $30 EACH leh....

So God decide to reward me with something, probably for telling the truth in the blog yesterday about rejoicing abt Good Friday.. ANYWAYS.. I won tickets for the Guiness Irish Festival on Saturday! I mean.. HEY.. they have Selena and Hossan PLUS Irene Ang!! I mean they funny lah and I like them loads lah... Talent Galour! Of course that would save me from going to the movies with Scoorge and company. Zother is rejoicing as well.. Our week literally looks better now!!

Teng saw mike yesterday to take some paper bags and he remark she is a babe and she said he is rather hunk like *right.. fat ass mike is hunky... HAH!* okay the concept that mike is decent nuff is because her interaction with hunks is way limited and she's a looker but she just dance like she's doing the chicken dance when we go clubbing NOT ON PURPOSE mind you..and the hunks just hmm... simply disappear.. anyway the point is that since Xue and Teng had bad blood earlier on and mike being xue bfrd and all. Gosh.. why am I explaining? ANYHOW... so teng finally saw Xue bfrd aka my frd. There... that's why what I was trying to say and now that it is out it doesnt seems that interesting anymore.. BLAH! Anyway Xue trying to find out who mic met yesterday and he is pressing me for teng's name. I mean what the F@$# .. I am so staying out of everything now that I got my free paperbags!

Random thoughts :

*I feel like making a sentence with old school all of a sudden.. I am being neurotic
*lunch was good~ cheap and fulfilling!
*I have like 30 pages of inventory I have to sort for my dear dear colleagues which can only be desribe with *toot* *toot* him!
*The office is desserted..
*I looked fat
*I wanna hear shirlyn and her band play at bala
*Haircut is needed badly!
*Life's spiffy!

So looks like I dont have the luck to get a Banyan Treat from my bfrd *sigh* and to add salt to the wound he is freakin far away working in some noman land! Never mind... I'll entertain myself.... SOMEHOW!

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Something is wrong with me but I have no idea what... I think is the mind.. or something close?

I should probably go for the thing that mic did when he was having the depression. The mild electric shock that make you loss your memories or something. On another hand, I probably will freak out and get even more depressed and fed-up if I cannot get to the root of what is probably bugging me.

My desk is in this discussing mess that I think that is the sole reason of my depression. Despite being extremely busy these 2 days no thanks to my visitors from my mother plant who need information ALL the TIME!! *they are literally driving me up the wall* So the only good that came out today is knowing that I have another 2 more days to suffering before we break for a long weekend. We aint suppose to happy about Good Friday because it was suppose to the day that Christ died for us but then again I know he be unhappy if I frankly, I am happy because is a short week and a public holiday to boot.

I think it could be the morning show at Class 95 FM because is just doesnt seems to be funny anymore. I dont know about anyone who shared the sentiments but Rod and Glenn was tons of laughter before.. It took a little to get used to when they joined FD however we got used to it as well. However Glenn and FD? Either Florence Lian and Bernard Lim are deaf because the lack of chemistry between the 2 is intoxicatingly freakin OBVIOUS! Can someone bring back Rodney Pedro Coontanita always like to play golf Monterio to the morning show? Arrrggghhhh!

On another hand, I guess my lousy weekend spent tackling the homework could be the reason over this 'wrong' I am feeling. I mean wassup spending your weekend chewing on books when it is God dictatament that we should all relax?! *although I know he say we have to go church... now that is another story...*

Probably that serial I been chasing has ended and they are showing something which aint my cup of tea on telly.. and I have nothing to look forward to but for the days to end quit!

Just what is wrong.... *sigh*

Sunday, March 20, 2005

the freaking weekend is over.. I so knew it...

The only good thing that came out is I finished my assignment *do the stirring pot move* YEAH or what... I know I am so good!

The only thing is.. I think the paper kinda sucky and I am lazy to change ANYTHING! Ha!

I wanna go out but dont know where.. I wanna watch TV but there is nothing on... I wanna go to the loo and poop but I wanna surf the net...I know! I procrastinate way too much and I like it!

So out of 5 assignments for the semester I completed 1!!! I am SO glad!


For once tomorrow.. there is no freakin lesson and hopefully my blue get an abrupt end to it~

Friday, March 18, 2005

Friday.. dont you just love it. I mean it is the day that marks the coming of the weekend.. the road are somewhat clearer.. sleepyheads do a victory jig in the morning knowing tomorrow is the day that they can finally sleep in.. work become disillusioned and seems to be able to brought over till next monday and you just like to finally just daze in front of the computer and look busy.

Although... you also know it is the day that the kids are running *correction* i think milling was more appropriate EVERYWHERE because parents are taking a day off from being annoyed by the kiddos at home and decide to bring them out to annoy ppl of all sort... the roads are clearer and the boss gets in even EARLIER...and the sleepyheads who are the usual gets in late.. and the customers decide that ALL their stuff are deemed AOG and they NEED their blardy stuff before the day ends!

Now to even add a more tragic personal touch to the weekend, I have classes today and tomorrow.. How nice.. and the school afraid that I will get complacent that I get the Sunday off so they scheduled this class on Monday where I will miss 'The Desperate Housewives' and make the monday blue last till until the evening! How nice...

On another hand to make this weekend even more dreadful.. I have an assignment due on Monday and I have not touched anything on it despite swearing upon my place in heaven and promising a prime estate in hell that I would!

I'm shabby and lazy and you know what.. I kinda like it!

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Today marks my man 30th year old birthday.. I mean.. is he old or what?! Ha.. Not that it affect me diversely? But I find myself clinging onto the chair of youth refusing to let go of the fingers which is holding on to the legs of the chair. And guess what AGE is doing.. prying my blardy fingers from the chair!

Ok! Poor analogy.. than again, I aint good in this kinda stuff.. so never mind!

In anyway.. despite the distance, I just wanna shout Happy Birthday to him still.. not that he will get to read the blog but then again, I enjoy all these contradiction dont I?!?!

I have not remotely flip the books and I am so astute to the fact that I have to submit the freakin essay on Monday! I think let's face the fact. I committed to do my readings on saturday and start writing on Sunday and I am hopeful of the extension? Yes? It's funny how I was still having the time of my life just turning my brain into slurpee slush a couple of weeks ago and now.. they are processing facts!

Incoherent thoughts :

*I love the radio advert for IKEA with the Vikings in their swedish accent!!! take me .. take me... take me to the ikea sales!!
*I have ulcers and they are killing me!
*Amazing Race was good but Rob is irking me more and more... but that's how the race should be played *sigh*
*Mic is determine to become Elastic Mike *turn the biz into a conglomerate*
*My dad is so old school!

Monday, March 14, 2005

It is so funny when you have that 2 month break from school and you hardly do anything constructive or even had a fun filled week during that entire season. Instead once school started I have the weekends FILLED up with activities and they hardly involved any schoolwork to start off with.

So Friday after lesson, we went to Thumpers instead of Zouk and no.. Scoorge wasnt with us but I still spent a lot! I like the place.. although it's kinda small and smoky. But then again it had been a REALLY long time since I was spaced out by the drinks and I dotn even want to check my credit card bills because I spent so much I would assume.. At least $100! Blah.. on drinks!! Lucky thing is that zother sis came and pick us up after her coffee session! Ni-ce~ It is great to be sloshed and obtained that high. Although I cost a hell loud to obtained that.. I reckon it be a extravagant spent. Anyhow, upside is that Zother got this guy number from Thumpers and that guy had a vERY cute friend (not that it was important but I just wanna say it)...

On sat I still waked up spiffy and all for afternoon class! Good or what?!?!And aint I a lucky bitch.. I dont suffer from hangovers! Zother was conked out till evening! And she made it just in time to go to dinner at Walax2 with Kel and carol! I have to admit that is the first time we been to there and mike turn up with Xue.. Plentiful of updates so I thought I just so a random thought thingy:

*The band is UBER good! I wanna catch them again
*mike suffered from a major bout of depression *from not seeing us I reckon?!?!?!*
*He is dating Xue (I knew it!!!!! bastard wouldnt tell me until I probe!!)
*The Pizza and Pasta is UBER NICE!! (and expensive!!!!)
*We didnt drink a drop of alcohol!
*Cute guys there but all so taken! (no chance for zother!!)
*I parked for 4 hours for $1.50 while Mike paid $6!
*When I see Xue I remember how pissed I am with Dan!
*Zother was a bit disturbed that mike choose Xue (I think??)
*I suffered from mild diahorrhea the entire day because of the drinking on Friday (which is normal and I like the purging!!)

Spent Sunday trying to study after bathing sheldon and washing the car. Went to Starbucks at concourse and per always and oh man! What the crap! All the studying for naugh because I hardly understand anything! *fume* Whatever is the crap, for one thing I and zother spent too much time just lazing ard *period* As much as I like to be linked to the word hardworking, factually I have an assignment due on next Tuesday that is about the only reason why I am slogging of ass off to try to finish the readings necessary to do the assignment *sigh* than while we ware goofing off doing anything but work, Zother got accquainted witht he guy he knew on Friday and that man claim he is born in the year of 67! Even oh no isnt that old?! Gosh.... ANYHOW.. that is really tragically old but he's funny *hmmm actually is the sarcasm that reek the entire sms ping-pong between the 2 of them that makes it funny* and for a while we were still comtemplating if he might be younger than us. Anyhow.. must be the bad light in Thumpers or something.. we know the next time we see him.

After wasting my hardearn money this weekend, I swear I am going to be good this weekend and concentrate on finishing my assignment! I know with all this swearing I can imagine God had personally picked a prime property for me in hell-land blk 666! Blah!

Friday, March 11, 2005

As much as I hate to admit it.. It is a reality my life have once again become mundane with school rolling and all especially the first crisp assignment is due no later than 22nd March and I just begun school like what?? 2 days ago!? What is wrong with all of them *disbelief look*!!!!!

I had the nails painted yesterday night while talking to Hon via skype. Now that thing absolutely rocks! So what's up with the painted nails? Well I thought I got the clubbing bug YET AGAIN.. so I am going to make sure I paint the town red or whatever colour my hands can do... The only not so good thingy is..... Dear zother invited this fellow which aLWAYS try to sponge me and zother off. Let just give him a name since we are at it. If anyone recall this is the guy that fang and Keat introduce to Zother who is a total WIMP! so let call him something apt.. like miser.. wait.. miser seems like you know.. a compliment even to him! Let's call him Scrooge!!

So we are going most likely going to zouk with Scrooge and some of his friends which I wouldnt exactly consider to be part of the 'in' crowd. So if you are going to Zouk and you see a geeky guy in pin strips that seems to be part of the 'bad dress sense anonymous' with 2 very bored tall girls standing near them with another 2 guys probably just staring into blind space.. Say hi to me.. That will most probably be us .. Oboy! On the hind side we might be going with some gentlemen *NOT SCROOGE* because they be asking us to go to Zouk for the longest time. LEt's just hope zother stop amaze- ing me anymore with her 'organising skills'!

Incoherent tibits :-

*Amazing Race 7th season is making me edgy.

*School sucks!

*work's Crappy!

*Room's messy..... ALD!!! I just cleaned it up like what?? 1 month ago!!!

*I'm Thirsty!!!!

*tomorrow is going to be a good day...

*I need to start reading for my assignment on SUNDAY.. NO KIDDING!!!

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

So Zother survived the wedding .. it wasnt that bad..

Everything went according to plan and we all grew a bit jealous because Yee is so in love with his boy and vice versa! Heh.... than again.. it is healthy jealous of course.

As of all weddings it was nice! Despite the waiter clearing our plates even before we finish*I had a very big hunch they were rushing for something but not sure what it is.....*..

my table had a girl who dont take shark fins like yours truly.. *cool bananas!* I mean it's not often but then again little things adds up... *silently chant when the buying stops the killing stops, when the buying stops...*

Although it was weird that Yee didnt stop and talk to us but we reckon she was busy with everyone and we were happy talking crap at our table!

The Groom rendered a much needed brush up performance of some song on the guitar I cannot remember the title but the effort is priceless.. not even VISA or MASTERCARD can beat that!

We had our photos on the montages which seems like not so long ago we were those little um' rushing for recess and busy copying homework *sigh* brings back memories...

I only missed the fact there wasnt a 'Thank you' speech from the bride and groom but that's mighty fine knowing how emotional Yee will be. So might as well spare the make-up artist more trouble touching up would be mascara streak face.. heh..

And right there... Yees' no longer Lam Jiao *that's our nick for her since school...* as we like to call her... she become a certain Mrs Tan somewhere out there... *sigh*

On another hand... she staying in the East.. so let's hope meet up would be way easier for us =D I read thru my previous post and thought what the heck... we should start everything together brand new.. no hard feelings! So if all goes well.. we going for dinner this Fri... *cross fingers*

I think everything wasnt that bad that day because we went clubbing... It had been eons since we last club .. at least we thought we going to break the drough ... we didnt go clubbing in the end. Kok Wai and the frd fetches us from the hotel *Yes, I though I was going to club so didnt drive.. what a mistake!!* to what we thought will be clubs... *blah* Thanks to Zother bad planning/organising to 'meet' up with another grp we got stuck at this pub which remotely looks a club. More like KTV merge with a watering hole and to top it off.. playing chinese songs with closets singers yoodling away...! *blink blink*

Lest you think that was tragic enough... When the place decide to close at 2am.. we went to an even more obnoxious Club.. That got to be icing of the yucky cake... Not only we have to endure trance like ahbengishlianish *read it fast* music we got to endure the terrible crowd with an average age of 50 trying to grope the singers *might i add with TERRIBLE dress sense* I didnt exactly enjoyed/dance or even drink over there *couldnt bring myself to...*. I was just sober throughout despite the glasses of beers I took.. *beers with no mix have no fixture on me* So... what made the night charming?

I thought the company was charming because for once we didnt need to pay for anyone at all because kok wai and frds paid for the drinks, accoy me and zother to the ladies and sent us right back home!!!! Never mind he stay at the other side of the island... we were treated like *sigh* girls...

I know that sound bimbostic but trust me.. after going out with a bunch of adults who constantly expecting either me or zother or the sister to pay for the GUYS !!!!!!! Arent we just such a easily contented bunch of girls! *sigh*