Friday, February 25, 2005

How funny that life is like a box of chocolate.. for the sweet-tooth it is a living joy, for the unfortunate anti lactose community for example. They take it so hard they sometime dies from it.

Yee's ROM this Saturday and Sunday.. next week will be her dinner and buddy good zother was shaken when she wasnt invited to be one of the door bitches..Is it such a surprise when

* you cannot get an appointment to meet up with her resulting in your christmas present to be turned into next year X'mas gift because she cannot find a time to slot you in her bsy schedule even though you guys work at the same district?!

* you get stood up because her friends have issues and she cancels on you CONSTANTLY??!!

* When she finally meets you up... she got to rush off in the next hour due to the 101 emergency she have everytime she met up with you. Resulting in you thinking if you are such a major jinx?!?!

* She sent you an article in the Sunday Times about friendship being a fleeting thing and the only thing that matters was the spouse?!?! (editor note: the writer apparently was too spaced out as well!)

* She constantly embrace her frds which you know by hard that she refer them as best friends a girl can ever get that clique excludes you.

* when you got dump by the last guy she doesnt even know you starting to date when you pour out your woes.

* Her pending wedding she invited her ACCQUITANCES and BEST FRIENDS to be the 'ah Yees' and the 'xiong dis' and when you asked her why she left you out she merely brush it off that she want to save on giving out an extra red packet?!?!?! So where is the buddies....

I know it is hard on her because zother expect she'll be treated like how she treat her.. as a buddy. I am glad I woke myself up from the dream of Yee's concept of friends and brush her off as a mere accquitance. Life's so far have been great and I think it makes my life less dramatic. Apparently I reckon for someone who cannot be bother to be EVEN interested in your life why do you even want to bother yourselves with details?

I have a good mind to write a nasty email to her to ruin everything for her.. but than again nah.. I be better off just letting zother wail till her heart contented.

Tsk tsk.. for now ... I wish Yee's the best in the wedding and stuff. I guess she have made her ground she have exclusively EXCLUDE us her Ex-buddies.. tough luck I guess but than again, she dont leave a void as per always and our lifes move on.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Stupid trippy blogger.. type an entire post gone in like 1 sec! Duh!!

Anyhoo.... les you think I am abandoning the blog.. you are half right. I am languishing into total oblivion mode to prepare myself for the pending semester that is STARTING in the next 432000 seconds. Geeze.. the work and the school is so going to pounce on me once it starts! I just knew it!!!!! So the entire week had been spent relaxing and making sure I enjoy being able to watch Television on every whimsical whine and reading magazines which totally erode and turn my brain into slush.

On another hand zother went to consult a nostradamus fortune teller who insisted she go do her brow *embroidery* or rather tattoo and to cut her lids OR she'll die this year end. How nice to hear something like that ... now she ald made her appointments and I dont blame her... I would react if someone tell me I am dying.. that is why I wont be going to him. Instead I am going to see Teng's regular geomance to consult him abt the removal of the mole. Anyhow the date for her to see the doc and operation is all set up in April. It's funny how human react when adversity is predicted casually.

For me It had been a childhood dream to remove that mole much dreaded. The butt of people jokes and questions and being a kid back then I was just too bore to answer after 3209502845924852 times that ppl ask but that inferiority complex left a mark on me although I would say I have since grown to even like it.. Is like a love hate relationship .. on one hand I just want to get rid of it but than again it had accoy me since it showed up when I was 4-5 years old. I just want to do what I always thought will make me normal. I know it's not like some physical disabilities or whatever you call it. I guess you need to be in my position to truly know how it feels to be taunted and single out *sigh*. To those who say they understand how I feel.. dont lie thru your teeth.. bah! Anyway the point is I am glad to what I have in life and I just want to maintain it. It might not be say the bestest greatest life ever but then again I have no complain. Life's good for me and I hate myself for not saying GRACE ENOUGH! .... PUNK~

side track:
Teng and al just went to the geomancer as well and the guy say they have a blessed and RICH life.. I mean I would too if my folks will leave me a property at m.sultan no less! I dont even have to be a fortune teller ala nostradamus to tell!!!!

Aside from the lack of happenings .. I'm a happy camper!! la la la

Valerireeeeeeeeeee Valeraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Varahahahahahahahaha valereeeeee
Valeraaaaaa.... with a knapsack on my back!

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Just as I thought I have consume nuff foodies in the last 7 days to last me for the next few weeks... We had a office party just now and again I gorge myself with the yu sheng and the what's not! I mean how can anyone resist????

BTW.. I am resolute to go on a diet ... SOON!

Mum thawed something when I was going out to work this morning and I reckon she is cooking something BIG today...

What is the whole deal with food for the Chinese New YEAR!?!?!

Anyhow.. school starting really soon and my holidays are becoming shortlived. What the @#$@$%$! I reckon it be good for the mind actually. Can actually feel my brain degenerated and turning into mush.. all soft and gooey. I like it that way actually! I feel like I have a love hate relationship with everything... with food, school, shopping... it totally covers literally everything.. Is like I like to eat but I dont like the fat that pounds on me. Or I like the idea of school starting but hate the idea of exams and homework.... Oh and shopping... LOVE TO SHOP BUT HATE TO PAY!

Ok I am being totally neurotic.. see what TV do to you... turn you into a babbling idiot!!!

Monday, February 14, 2005

My baby's back on a jet plane early this morning... And the minute he let go of my hand to enter the departure gate I started missing him BADLY.. *sigh*

He got me this card for V day and when I read it I just teared because .. I just so hate it when he got to leave. We settled the deal that he come back for good in Dec.. till then.. we be good with him jetting back and forth every 2 months.

Apart from the terrible seperation ... Chinese New Year was a blast!

Sweetie and I plough through crowds on Chinese New Year Eve at the nurseries and Chinatown to get the best deal and oh boy... we got some really good deals! Decorations for $1 flat and tibits which was going for 1.80 per 100grams went for $5 for a big plastic bag to let us fill out as much as possible. flowers at $2 per bunch and Pussy willows going for $7 per 6 bunches which we used to decorate 2 houses!!! Bargain were good! I reached home only at 5AM in the morning! my whole clockwork just went wirey this past few days!..... but it was fun.. it's the little things that we didnt appreciate in the past but when seperation happens.. the little stuff we do together just make it so much more meaningful..

The weird part of CNY was us not visiting on the first day. Folks and me were simply too lazy and we took turn napping that eventually.. when all of us FINALLY woke up at the same time... it was ald 9pm. Darling came over just as the folks were going to my uncle house just in time.. after a while, he went clubbing with his pals..

The rest of the lunar new year was filled with gamblings ventures and visit to everyone's homes and what's not.. The only weird thing was sweetie won 400 dollars gambling black jack. If anyone know him... he totally have the luck of new born turtles survival in the wild (read: nil chance) anyway what comes round goes I guess.. at least it recoup his years of losing... HA!

As much as I would love to have a longer holiday... reality hits.. School's starting REALLY soon... and work beckons. Sigh.. why can't we have something like a 1 month summer holiday or something? I hate work! I want more holidays! Bah

Monday, February 07, 2005

So darling's back and he bought me perfume... *squints eyes* I wonder if I stink... HA!!

Anyway... the whole weekend was whizzing here and there... superb busy to be frank and I think the coming weekend wont be any better. Shel and muffin got a haircut from hell. One looks like lion king and the other looks like lil'o miss poodle... AND the person claim my sweetie have ticks!!! DUH!!!!!!!! Anyway now he's bald so there no chance of that happening I reckon for the 1st time in 11 years!.. However I wanna get the person incharge to do him one more time.. My folks reckon shel got a really BAD hair day and monster wong my niece christian the dog... DONKEY! Anyhow... he's pretty mad when he 'hear' us laughing at him... barked really bad.. Ha! Vain.... as always..

Got some clothes which are obnoxiously priced!!!!!! Never mind that...

I bought the Bankdraft for fees which is also obnoxiously priced!!! My bonus all flush down the drain to pay for my next 6 month of pain the butt that totally sucks!!

Went breakie with hon's folks yesterday. I reckon if I sit far away from his dad... it aint that bad.. Something abt his dad just make me believe that my dad will loath. Owell... They were making me go for dinner on the 2nd day of Chinese New Year.. came up with all sorta of reasons to say no... geeze! I mean once in a blue moon is fine.. but all in a span of 5 gets a bit too much I reckon... I fear I develop rashes and stuff.. ha!! I rather pass because you never know how the dad will come out with something stupid which I thought is pretty often. Anyhow I've never show my developed loath of his dad lah just incase you were wondering.. And I act like I'm okay with EVERYTHING so I assume everything is FINE. bah...

Apart from that.. I sorta just went round with hon all over orchard buying junks to chomp and stuff with zother.. I sorta missed it big time.. Sigh...

So it's probably final but he's going to keep working there till Dec so we have a lighter burden when he come back.... Is like yes I want the cash but no I dont want him to gone for so long. I know it's ironic but maybe I dont want the cash that much but pragamtic me say yes to the cash.... Why do we always have such stuff to mull.. It'll be another 10 months. Arrghhhh...... not sure what I want... this whole yes and no is killing me!!!!!!!

This is the last work day and I swear I will start cleaning up the room bit by bit.. because my mum is going to be charge with murder if the room is not clean by the eve.... Sigh!

Friday, February 04, 2005

At last.. Friday again and I adore the 'smell' of it..... Never mind the morning crap at the office that the old bitch is raining on me. I excuse her.. after all menopausal is a medical condition! Bah!

So today's the day that hon will be back for his spring break... Hmm.. Which means...

I wont have a car to use for the whole week while he's back. So to like or to loath??

Anyway between the car and him... I really prefer sweetpea the car at times.. ha!! Although she gets a bit... edgy at time. What do you expect from a 14 year old car. She's mighty fine than most regular and spacious too! I hate the day when she is too old and have to go to the scrapyard... With the money we spend on her.. the past few years have been well worth it. Unlike her counterpart i.e. xiao lan which is hock's car... sweetpea hardly flares up and never ever give us major problems. She only broke down thrice and twice she choose to give way only when I was at my home vincity. See how sweet sweetpea is!!! I guess.. that can conclude only 1 thing. Toyotas are really durable! I think when hon comes back for good.. I might take over sweetpea if he wants to get a new car.. Right.... and also for the fact that because I am OFFICIALLY handicap without a car as well.. PERIOD!

I am so looking forward to just going home now..blogging sooth me.. but still.. I very much like to go home still.....please....................................

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Tsk tsk tsk... it's Thursday and my room STILL resembles a war-torn somalia or something along that line.. I am REALLY packing it this weekend or something.. I swear I will.... try at least =P!

Amazing Race was man... frustrating!! And next week is the finale! My Wednesday will never be the same again *sigh*. I thought it totally ruin China's image when they run into so much trouble with the mainland cab driver and wtf.. is literally everyone!!! Did I mentioned that Kris and Jon looks like cupcake!! They are so cute together and they both look so yummy! Kris have this thing about her that I so like!! Jon look nifty as well. I'm rooting for them.. I hope they go thru..

1 day to blockhead return!!

Anyhow I found this place and I am thinking of dropping Flutes for that quaint place for the ROM!!! Ha! I'm just so easily swayed!!

Disclaimer : .. the stupid ajeirjwoirtjaoijpwd HTML link just dont work!! Okay.. shut up.. I know I am like village idiot when it come to things with computer. I just have this condition with the PC.. it's a ... genetic thing! Bah!

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

I know I proclaim I will try to clean the room.. but hell... the procrastinater in me just wouldnt budged! I had the mind to do it.. just couldnt bring myself to get away from the TV.. And I dont even have HBO!

Despite the mum's repeat yelling her head off of my laziness. I reckon it was her way to get back to me since I was lazing the whole of the weekend and not doing anything constructive and she being hard at work. I call it bitterness.. heh! I managed to wash the car and do little stuff here and there over the weekend but other than that I was pure lazy.... *sigh* I resolve I will get to it TODAY! At least I clear up the study table or something...

Work been killing me the whole week.. I like month end .. it give us a breather or sort.. well.. I am not sure if this is the calm before the storm but whatever goes!

4 more days till blockheads back!! Yeah!! We are bring muf and shel to get army cuts over the weekend. Already booked appointment for them! The only reason why I call them army cuts is because they both comes out looking like skanky starving lil'o pups! Botak is the way to go for both the mutts lah! And to those who doesnt know.. I owe shel.. muf belongs to zohter but they go for buddy cuts together. Talk about a Dog's life.. I dont even spend that much on my own hair cut. Wait.. thinking of getting the hair cut as well.. sigh.. so many things to do and so little time.

Gave mum money for new year. Gave extra and she is still asking for the mere 16 I owe her from the stock transaction??? Geeze! MY mum the pragmatic! I am declared bankrupt offically now.. Which doesnt make sense because I rarely buy anything and still am as poor as a church mouse! Everything is just topsy turvey! Owell....