Monday, February 07, 2005

So darling's back and he bought me perfume... *squints eyes* I wonder if I stink... HA!!

Anyway... the whole weekend was whizzing here and there... superb busy to be frank and I think the coming weekend wont be any better. Shel and muffin got a haircut from hell. One looks like lion king and the other looks like lil'o miss poodle... AND the person claim my sweetie have ticks!!! DUH!!!!!!!! Anyway now he's bald so there no chance of that happening I reckon for the 1st time in 11 years!.. However I wanna get the person incharge to do him one more time.. My folks reckon shel got a really BAD hair day and monster wong my niece christian the dog... DONKEY! Anyhow... he's pretty mad when he 'hear' us laughing at him... barked really bad.. Ha! Vain.... as always..

Got some clothes which are obnoxiously priced!!!!!! Never mind that...

I bought the Bankdraft for fees which is also obnoxiously priced!!! My bonus all flush down the drain to pay for my next 6 month of pain the butt that totally sucks!!

Went breakie with hon's folks yesterday. I reckon if I sit far away from his dad... it aint that bad.. Something abt his dad just make me believe that my dad will loath. Owell... They were making me go for dinner on the 2nd day of Chinese New Year.. came up with all sorta of reasons to say no... geeze! I mean once in a blue moon is fine.. but all in a span of 5 gets a bit too much I reckon... I fear I develop rashes and stuff.. ha!! I rather pass because you never know how the dad will come out with something stupid which I thought is pretty often. Anyhow I've never show my developed loath of his dad lah just incase you were wondering.. And I act like I'm okay with EVERYTHING so I assume everything is FINE. bah...

Apart from that.. I sorta just went round with hon all over orchard buying junks to chomp and stuff with zother.. I sorta missed it big time.. Sigh...

So it's probably final but he's going to keep working there till Dec so we have a lighter burden when he come back.... Is like yes I want the cash but no I dont want him to gone for so long. I know it's ironic but maybe I dont want the cash that much but pragamtic me say yes to the cash.... Why do we always have such stuff to mull.. It'll be another 10 months. Arrghhhh...... not sure what I want... this whole yes and no is killing me!!!!!!!

This is the last work day and I swear I will start cleaning up the room bit by bit.. because my mum is going to be charge with murder if the room is not clean by the eve.... Sigh!

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