Monday, January 24, 2005

These few days have been tring for me.. Work had been hellish and customers.. double whammy dummies! Dont get me wrong although I dont work in the front line but the way the sales person have been expecting me to perform miracles.. I have absolutely had it with customers!

I have reached the stage where I loath opening the emails with certain people names on them because I can hear my heart pop everytime when I open emails. That I can tell you is more horrible than exams! At least exams.. you expected the worse.. but it can still turned good. My emails. everything seems like bad worse and worst! DUH!!

So I spent my weekend and holiday peering my emails every 2 hours in to the wee morning. I hate it when people use AOG on me.. because it turned me into this paranoidal idiot who turned bitter and snappy.. and beggy!!!!!!! ARRGHH!!!

So after begging 5 continents.. finally someone decide to help me out.. So let's see if miracles do happens.. If it does.. I can start fighting fire on the other one! Sigh!!

The weekend had been tragically lazy.. After waking up every hour the last few days I simply cannot sleep on time. It's like jet lagged... My biological clock went wirey and I been channel surfing, watchin re-runs and simply just stare at the screen till 3am daily.. I did better yesterday though.. I stopped at 2am! To make things worse.. I get all tired at 5.00pm and sleep till 8.30-9pm everyday.. This is horrible.. and I HATE IT!

Went to town for biz on Sat and then went to kopi with fang and zother.. It was fun actually.. and after a while.. the guys decided to join us. Talk about timely.. Anyway the muddy mud cake from Coffee Express was excellent! Yummy! I can felt my inches when I chomp down the cholestrol laden with extra hersheys and cookies crumbs! Well.. that aint going to stop me from enjoying for sure!

So zohter is going for overseas trip yet again and wont be in singapore.. Geeze! I hate it... no one will be in and no one will be in sg. Wahahhahahah............... as if my life is not tragic nuff'

Anyhow.. ignore my balantly stupid post.. because I am just trying to use up minutes before I am due for execution to the meeting that will deter my how my mood will be for the week or even month.. ha!

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