Friday, December 31, 2004

And so.... I have managed to survive 2004 unscattle. Thank my lucky stars and everything that have been part of the safety net they created to guide me and allow me to grow as one should.

The skies opened up today. It had been raining quite a bit since yesterday. I can only imagine the diaster zone will be even more difficult and chaotic with the rains and stuff... wrecking what the tsunamis didnt do further. Death Toll last known is 128'000 dead. Is like the population of a small country just conked off like that! I'm sure God have his ways... we arent even qualified to question~ Just hope Mother Nature hold her horses when she lash such things at us.

I'm suppose to go thru 2004 and do a reflection but everything seems so unbelievable small now that the dreaded killer waves occurs. Instead.. I have nothing to complain about. I am just glad I am alive and well with my family. I am thankful for friends although their numbers are superbly remote! I am thankkful that hope is still around and we are unified as a world.

I have a distinct want to help out in labour but never get down to it. I procrastinate way too much. I wanna join some kick ass exercise group but not sure what I want. I am determined to stretch my limits but I am not sure how. Let me just go thru my resolution which I posted almost a year ago!!

1. To finally be healthier *Read : Shed more weight lah!* so I am going to ensure I stick to my blades and tennis. Oh wait.. I will skip those ropes faithfully....... come next week...or make it after chinese new year?!

Well... I did loose some weight.. like 2 kgs... heh much to achieve still actually.. I add that to my resolution this year then..

2. To start doing something contructive *read: Writing blog counts right!*

I got back my habit to read books beside magazines! Yeah! But you know with school and work it's not possible to go back what I used to I'll cont but that is one thing off my list!!!

3. Get a new job! After my last meeting in US. I totally got so depress about the state of business that I am bailing out.. hahaha so much for that pep talk! But seriously.. just got lazier and lazier so want to ensure that ommp.. is there in me. Biggest challenge yet!

I actually got 2 really good offer in the end but still slogging here because of the bonus that I was reluctant to let go. Then again I want to look for another one this year. nuff of the pampering and comfort zone!

4. To pysche myself for marriage. JK is waiting for me to give the go ahead to register the marriage. told him no way I am going to get married without a future in a job first. *Afterall I know how HR think married women are parasite! I know at least I do think that way... ya I know.. I sucks as a person *

We settled on a date next year.. so there.. another thing down!

5. To get back to my cell list of friends. I have their numbers and I dont call then you think about it.. why the hell do you still keep their number then!

I certainly did this alright.. I have gatherings with more groups than 10 years added together!! K.O!!

so there... I will set my resolution for 2005 by Chinese New Year..

To end this year.. I dont wanna celebrate to be frank.. but I just wish with all my might that we will never see destruction this big ever again.

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