Tuesday, December 28, 2004

I don't know why but I feel a certain element of sadness of the quake as I listen to the radio. What the hell was Mother Nature thinking when she sent this kick ass tsunamis our way! Indonesia Vice president is estimating at least 40'000 people dead! I cannot imagine how many in total headcount from the 7 countries involved is exactly dead.

It sorta just jolted me and I have resolute to donate to the victims this time and I am starting to cajoled people in my circle of friends to do likewise. Dinner at fancy joints is going to be changed to something conservative and the money we were prepared to spent will be donate to charity. I'm having 3 such gatherings this week so I am getting all the chummies to do the same. hopefully we raise a bit

If anyone is reading this.. pass it on. We are part of asia and we use their produce and make use of their labour and tour their countries. Now it's our turn to return something back to the countries. Let join hands and do our part donate generously to help the countries build theirselves up. We are so lucky to be located that shield us from such calamities. If we can spent so much money on voting for Singapore Idols and such. I think we can spare another few dollars for the Tidal Wave Victims!

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