Thursday, December 16, 2004

I hate Thursday...

It always means that I have to wait till next Wednesday for the next epsiode of 'The Amazing Race' *sulk* I hate that MJ and Don are out of the game! They always makes me go AWwwwwwwwwww... they are so sweet! On the other hand I like Lori and Bono as well.. I have no idea why because I thought I would hate them but compared to some other teams.. I like them pretty much!

Then again...

I like Thursday because it always signified that the weekend is drawing close......and I can sleep in and vegetate more and just laze more. But blockhead isnt in Singapore and wait... I dont look forward to weekends that much anymore *shrug*

Being incoherent again... ignore me!

Going for the 'holiday season' dinner with the office girls which we traditionally practise every year. Instead of the Century Roxy.. we decide to up the stake and do it at waterfront copthorne this year. I think it be grand and guess what I freakin wearing... RAGS!! I am going home after work to change into something decent lest I get mistake for the janitor or something..

Ordered delivery for KFC yesterday night ... I am so sick of KFC now.. I have no idea why because I only ate 2 pcs.. I can down a 3 pcs most of the time.. but I was sick in the stomach after yesterday fest. So the family pigged out and watched the TV at the same time.

So I spent the night watching Tv way too much ... Animal Planet and Discovery always have much to offer and MTV as well.. Although I know that is way to indulgent.. I secretly like it! heeee

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