Thursday, February 03, 2005

Tsk tsk tsk... it's Thursday and my room STILL resembles a war-torn somalia or something along that line.. I am REALLY packing it this weekend or something.. I swear I will.... try at least =P!

Amazing Race was man... frustrating!! And next week is the finale! My Wednesday will never be the same again *sigh*. I thought it totally ruin China's image when they run into so much trouble with the mainland cab driver and wtf.. is literally everyone!!! Did I mentioned that Kris and Jon looks like cupcake!! They are so cute together and they both look so yummy! Kris have this thing about her that I so like!! Jon look nifty as well. I'm rooting for them.. I hope they go thru..

1 day to blockhead return!!

Anyhow I found this place and I am thinking of dropping Flutes for that quaint place for the ROM!!! Ha! I'm just so easily swayed!!

Disclaimer : .. the stupid ajeirjwoirtjaoijpwd HTML link just dont work!! Okay.. shut up.. I know I am like village idiot when it come to things with computer. I just have this condition with the PC.. it's a ... genetic thing! Bah!

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