The mutt is slightly better and I am going around mad and buying supplement I think it can helps him. Is a little overboard at times but money can be earned back and if I lose him now I lost it forever. So I am believing any out of the mill product where a bunch of people I have no clue about commenting it is good I take their words for it. Look forward to the supplement delivery as it is... Mutt still eats like a monster and can spring a small jog here and there although the vet say it is not recommendable for a dog with a bad back. Doh!
On another hand...
The dowager visited and I was like so thrilled. 1 cycle down and 2 to go before I can give making baby a go. So looking forward to it already. I am just hoping that the chinese physian give me an earlier heads up to trying haha.. anyway it is fat hope because she not receptive having me go through another pregnancy after 3 in a span of 8 months. GAWD!
With mutt being the top of priority right now this TCC thingy have also lapse into 2nd position in my mind. Still as impt but I know mutt cannot be with me longer than 2years max so I just want to make use of whatever time I have now and not live to regret that I was not better to him in his final years.
On the next hand (if any)
Just had lunch with trace and I so missed our lunches for the last 8 years. It wasnt short by all takes but it seems so. When people says good times pass in wheeze they really do mean it because it barely seems we had lunch for 8 years before. But I guess I wouldnt trade anything to go back to the old workplace. Everything just not the same anymore so it was just as well that all of us left.
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