Something is wrong with me but I have no idea what... I think is the mind.. or something close?
I should probably go for the thing that mic did when he was having the depression. The mild electric shock that make you loss your memories or something. On another hand, I probably will freak out and get even more depressed and fed-up if I cannot get to the root of what is probably bugging me.
My desk is in this discussing mess that I think that is the sole reason of my depression. Despite being extremely busy these 2 days no thanks to my visitors from my mother plant who need information ALL the TIME!! *they are literally driving me up the wall* So the only good that came out today is knowing that I have another 2 more days to suffering before we break for a long weekend. We aint suppose to happy about Good Friday because it was suppose to the day that Christ died for us but then again I know he be unhappy if I frankly, I am happy because is a short week and a public holiday to boot.
I think it could be the morning show at Class 95 FM because is just doesnt seems to be funny anymore. I dont know about anyone who shared the sentiments but Rod and Glenn was tons of laughter before.. It took a little to get used to when they joined FD however we got used to it as well. However Glenn and FD? Either Florence Lian and Bernard Lim are deaf because the lack of chemistry between the 2 is intoxicatingly freakin OBVIOUS! Can someone bring back Rodney Pedro Coontanita always like to play golf Monterio to the morning show? Arrrggghhhh!
On another hand, I guess my lousy weekend spent tackling the homework could be the reason over this 'wrong' I am feeling. I mean wassup spending your weekend chewing on books when it is God dictatament that we should all relax?! *although I know he say we have to go church... now that is another story...*
Probably that serial I been chasing has ended and they are showing something which aint my cup of tea on telly.. and I have nothing to look forward to but for the days to end quit!
Just what is wrong.... *sigh*
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