Monday, October 23, 2006

While the company is partially close today due to the slip in the holiday and everyone took the opportunity to take a time out vacation. I came back so the company can be partially functional. I had the intention of coming back to do my report. You know... so I can finally concentrate instead of trying to play juggler with everyone sickeningly requests that I need to help with. It's lunch time now and I have yet the time to do it *grumble* precisely I am still too busy to deal with everyone requests which was conveniently drop off at my mailbox and desk. Just because I was back everyone expect me to turn mighty mouse to save the day. *roll eyes*. sooooo irritating.............

Heck with work now to other things..

I just have to be the most... and I cannot emphasis most enough. Zother and the husband will stand by this... I am the most irritating person when I am 3 seconds from making purchase. When I say purchase, I am not talking big dollar item, even a $1 purchase will have me asking myself 101 times if I will eat, use or whatever you can do with the purchase. It drives everyone mad... hahah.. and when I finally buy it.. I get buyer remorse. You know the sort where you go 'shit... I should have got B instead A because.....' Even at a sushi bar, I will go the other conveyor like got better selection of sushi *heeeeee* So yesterday I clip a coupon from borders that allow me a purchase of 30% off a regular price book. Now I had been wanting to get Donna Hay's Modern Classic 2 for the looooooooooooooooooogst time since I am baking on a rather frequent basis. So with the coupon I was all prepared to just pick up the book and make the purchase. Pronto. How difficult was that. But nooooooo... I have to roam the entire cookery section of Borders and suddenly every book was to my interest. I start to question why I wanted Modern Classic since I have most of the receipt from the net and the cooking blogs I read randomly. That was the reason why I even got intrigued to get the Donna Hay book because of the countless ppl who swear by it.

Anyhow I flip and I ponder and I calculate how should I spent the money when I make a U turn and bought another cheese cake dessert book by a local baker no less. Now I get a bit whack at that thought because I ald have a cheesecake book by Alex Goh. However it doesnt have the tiramisu green tea etc I contemplate.. Anyway just like pip in her post.. I so freaking talk to my alter ego half the time which always screw my decisions.

So in the end I went for this book which I just saw at Border and gave up Donna hay once more *sob* another time... I swear I will get the book once I get another 30% voucher. Now that is if I dont talk to my alter ego.

For all that I took nearly 70 minutes standing at the cookery section of borders trying to think what I want. Heck, I even pissed myself off ...

Friday, October 20, 2006

So much non important stuff occurs but given the frivilous stuff we have in life it wasnt necessary to blog about it.

Prissy got pregs and so all the kings' horses and all the king's men have to try to put lil'o prissy in her most comfortable position. the husband took this opportunity to tell me he appreciate to not be one of the king's horse nor men. So I guess I have better quality of life for much time seemingly is a great way to you know.. distance us a bit to give everyone air and not have to wait hand and foot to others.

Domestic life is unseemingly docile and it's get boring after a while, I appreciate the husband in my life though because thinking back, 18 months with him in china most of it really suck to the core although rewinding back it didnt seems so sucky given my schedule of school and work just sort lump up like a ball of starch. so School ended for a good 10 months ald and I have finally slush my brain out watching trash day in day out. Got a little bit of savings once again *yayness* for me myself and I to indulge, got *get this* vacation days that I can afford to take and laze at home watching the world go by by the googlebox. On another hand that isnt very contructive? right.. as if I have a lot of constructive stuff going on in my life.

I got the monthly and it's driving me nuts. I hate it when they come, not because of anything but the hassle of going to the loo and the constant fear it spring a leak on me *sigh*...

Life's so fun when you are a girl.. but once the period comes by, is like our life revolve ard it! dang!