Been spending a lot of time with the mutt and all the shoppings and outings we used to do incessestly over the weekend is becoming a thing of a past. I just to spend some good times with mutt afterall he IS 17.. how long more can he live?
The hub barber-ed him with a puppy cut although it is nowhere like how the groomers will return him but it was decent enough. With a lousy clipper to boot because I am such a cheapie to buy a good one it was really not bad at all.
It was one of the lazy days and we laze together all 3 of us watching tv for me and snoozing for the other 2.. caught bits of the state funeral held for Dr Goh Keng Swee. I couldnt believe how daft I am about this great stateman contribution.
Oblivion to the internal Greats but held overseas Greats in highest esteemed. I am glad at least upon his passing the media waxed and literally pour lyrical about him because it let someone as bimbo(san the pretty and boobs)as me learn something about a part of Singapore history. Singapore was not all about Lee Kuan Yew whom I held and still hold the greatest admiration for. Dr Goh was part of his building team which lay the foundation for this blimp on the map also known as Singapore. I dont know what the future of Singapore will bring but with the passing of the old ministers 1 by 1 I dont know if Singapore will keep up without their wisdom and guidance.
This generation have it the easiest.. I wonder if we ever be able to cultivate anyone decent in my generation because no one stands out as prominent and really it is the maintenance rather than start up they have to do and already we grimace and fear what the future beholds. I guess we must have faith... we are just so bitch lucky that our minster mentor despite at his grand age is still working freviously as before. He cant be here forever though and I know it.. it just sucks =(
Labels: dog grooming, Dr Goh