This is a lousy week. I have to take urgent leave to tend to mutt because I want to bring him to a vet before it get worse but it seems to be better but I still want to bring him just to ensure everything is fine.
The mutt have a bout of diahorrea and still not getting better. G's dog also getting some weird reading about a tumour and just having blood stain without any clue where it is from.Woe befall all old dogs.
I sometime think whether it is extra suffering for my mutt to be still fleeting around the house despite having some pain we probably are oblivion about at age 16 or better for him to pass on in his sleep when he was 14. I heart mutt to pieces and God knows how much I love him. If he was my kid, he will be taking his Os this year! What a thought! =)
I dont think I can take another death in the family soon after the mc but I hope whatever mutt remaining time with us it will be happy painless and fun for him. Definetely having a birthday cake for him next month to celebrate his oldness! =)