What love is all about.... I do not know.. is it the flowers or the diamonds? OR little love notes from each other that speak millions or maybe it is the million kisses and hugs one demostrate to the entire public arena ? Maybe it is not so afterall.
It was a sad sad week for Singapore and I hate. I hate life have to be this way and that people have to die. I hate it is because it just reminds me that death do comes to us all. We have a reality check every few months.. First it was Dr Goh earlier this year and now MM Lee's Wife bid adieu. I really dont even want to think about when it is time for MM to go because I cannot imagine what it would be like. It is just so sad for a man who spend so much time in office he didnt have a good retirment to spend with his wife and thus is still out there paving the way for Singapore to remain in good stead. I hope we deserved his effort because we somehow hold him ransom from a lot of family time and I as a Singaporean is guilty of.
The sourness that come with MM Lee's Choo death is undescribleable. It was bad timing with him to be in the hospital for chest infection and come a couple of days later his best partner for the last 63 years and tower of strenght passed on. How can God be so cruel to not let him be by his wife side when she bid goodbye?
Our MM is by all means a man with no nonsense and if it wasnt for his Choo I ever wonder if we would EVER see the soft side of the man. I am not an advocate of all his policies but I am an advocate of what he represents as a steering and loving partner in this little eastern confusious influenced country. His wife lend that soft touch that balance him and make him human. Not that I ever doubt MM was human but the side of him would never be broadcast if he would have it his way.
For MM's wife of Choo as what she was affectionly called by MM. The unseemingly role that she lend in devotion and assistance she plays in MM's life would be as big as how Singapore is crafted. If it wasnt for her I ever wonder if MM had time or money to pursue politics and we probably could still be in doldrums.
I read countless article of their devotion to each other.. many a times through the column of their dear daugher Dr Lee Weiling who have a column on the Sunday Times. If you would read how Dr Lee writes... you hold no wonder why she is MM Lee daughter.. almost the same no nonsense and efficient person through her personal viewpoint. She was the one who tore down the bits of that steel mask that MM dons on all the time which I like because the man is for God sake 87 and is about time we start seeing him as a devoted husband maybe a typical chinese father/ inlaw / grandfather anyways. He probably soften over the years and okay lets admit it... probably not so much but at least it shows in his daughters' write.

Mrs Lee is sharp and have a big sense of humour in it. =) All these are reviewed and made known when Dr Lee writes about bits of her life and her moms quip to it.... I wonder if Dr Lee would be back writing her articles again. I didnt suspect that Mrs Lee illness was probably being grave but I should have read along the lines when Dr Lee and actually MM have also started to be more vocal about the existance of the illness.
We just as a nation took up so much time of the Lees' simply by being ourselves. All the convenient complaints and grousal now seems so frivilous to be truthful. I find myself trying to control tears when I see old shots of Mrs Lee and MM at the Temasek house in KL in 2005 where they spend some time there in the 1960 and reminsing about the photos. And especially touching part where MM head was begining to shine and Mrs Lee already having some difficulty of movement move forward to use an oil blotter to try and dry out the sweat and oil from MM's shiny high forehead. At first MM was remarking "what is that.. it is a piece of paper" and than he realized it was an oil blotter and he grew exasperated and Mrs Lee mumbled something and he