Thursday, June 02, 2005

I have the loveliest surprise this morning. While trying to open the door of the car this morning to come to work I suddenly saw a shadow rushing towards me from the side of the eyes. First thought : MOLESTER/ROBBER/CAR JACKER/OH NO/JONATHON ok at this point you can see is no longer just 1 thought.. ANYWAY ....

when I looked up who had sorta looped me in.. it was my blockhead who have arrived in Singapore this morning... everyone go Awwww please! I was still thinking these couple of days I never have any surprise at all and feeling sad and every shit for myself at the expense of the thoughts. How apt..

Only bad side.. I am still STRUGGLING WITH ASSIGNMENT! I still have 550 words to go which I have officially at this point of time have nothing more to write. The task today is to finish writing into the wee morning because it is due tomorrow. *bummer*

Life's sweet and the big brother IS watching me *Beam*

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