Thursday, October 07, 2004

As miracle has it... I finished and sent in the crappy assignment I wrote yesterday.. Sent it off with kick with my grubby nikes to give it the ommph! I am just hopping for a 50% and I'm a happy camper!

So xiang is back.. her granny's passed away before she can see her the last time! sigh.... tragic.. this is liek the second funeral I go to in the past 3 weeks involving gramps! Hate!! Have yi and zohter for company at the wake and oh yeah.. I dont know if it is me or what.. but between me and zohter we finished a table of food meant for maybe 8-10 person. Geeze! Sounds familiar? Well because last week we went to Ginko gramps wake 4 of us polished off the meal meant for such a table and I thought it was amazing! Anyway I hope this is the last of the wakes' meal I have to eat for a long long long time! Because it sucks that people have to die.. although I reckon it be better off than to grow till too old and you become just a breathing apparatus and nothing else! sigh.. Contradiction... what did I warn you... I'm complicated to understand.. owell!

on another note.. our habitual job changer al changed his job yet again! teng was telling me yesterday hope he at least stay for a few years? Well.. as a boss I certainly wont be happy to emply someone who have so much experience in job hopping not that it will bring to my business any good in the first place.

Everything's kinda cool.. I have a wedding to attend tomorrow.. Sat blockhead will be back! However fun aside we decide we are going to study on Sunday at Starbucks.. I mean enough of play ald!!

Exams are like in another 2 weeks and I have not do a single thing and I have 2 more bloody assignments new report to do and a analytical assignment to do. I am not good in analysing anything except for TV.. sigh... tragic.. Resolution.. to finish my assignment by next Tuesday. So I can concentrate on the blardy exams on the 28th and the 2nd Nov.. Life's good now that school is coming to an end. I always adore exams in that way.. and I trust I can never emphasis that enough! ha!

I finally have time to concentrate on lazing and just goofing around! Yeah!! On another note.. this mark my last year in the uni.. sigh... it is tragic while I am at it.. however you cannot ignore that you gain something invaluable in the process which I am proud of.

okie.. back to work.. my filing is undone and they are resembling mt everest on top of my cabinet! geeze..


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