Tuesday, July 06, 2004

MY honey's back and I have to take the bus like fellow commuters yet again. Makes me even more determine to find another job that requires me to have a car. So I can have a valid reason to buy 1.. ho ho ho...

Saw this ultra super duper beach mat with backing called baljo mat from Ikea in a magazine. EXACTLY what I and JK had been eyeing!!! And the price.. 19.90. Only bummer crap.. dont think it is available in Sg at least yet. Talk abt luck.. Anyhow I am going to prowl there on saturday! Hopefully they have it ald or something!!

I cannot wait for next week! Going on a holiday! Yeah yeah!!

Watched Spiderman! Super exciting actually. I like the little bits actually than the big hoo ha with Dr Oct. I like the way Tobey came out of the janitor room with the pizza.. ho ho... and his boss at the daily bungle.. ! That character I like also! Dont know why but a bit... heh heh heh... fun. I mean your son got ditched at the altar and all he thought immediately was to hold the caviar! Who can forget the violin lady singing 'spiderman spiderman..' I also love the part when Peter Parker threw away 'spiderman' from his life and the theme song 'Raindrops are falling on my head'. Nerdy but cool.. hooo..Or the part where he's buying flowers to go to MJ's play.

One thing I dont get it.. What is the deal with kirsten Dunst. I didnt think she was awful pretty or anything. Passable but that's about it but her popularity is taking an all time surge and I have absolutely no clue to that!!! And her acting... I am no pro but she always have this just 1 look on her face...hmm.. I'm probably bias.. oh well.

And the eyes of Tobey and Kirsten and Aunt may .. geeze they are like marbles!Their pupil are so blue and huge!! It's like you can almost drown in it or something.. Why dont we have eyes like them..


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