Friday, March 19, 2004

Friday! I always gets into the moon on Fridays... Is like a deja vu sorta feeling.. Yeah the weekend is here.. HOWEVER ever since school started... I have been trying to not let the days pass so quickly.

I tried to pull at Monday and forbid it to end. Didnt work apparently *oh well*...

So I tried Tuesday and Wednesday. Refuse to budge to move slower and instead started to accelerate and ended faster.

Thurs.. Oh my God! I have lessons!! The whole thing started to just run so fast!! *ta da* and the next 2 days I have more lessons. Assignment is due next Wednesday and I am still like the village idiot trying to decipher what the whole hell the lecturer is talking about. It certainly doesnt help that I have tons of classmates that are such gossip fodder for the likes of us! Ha!

So here I am on Friday trying to make sure I have a paper with 1000 words to hand up in another 5 days. Technically this is chicken feed consider that I wrote more papers that looks like a perodic publication last semester. I guess the momentum is still not back..

Let me go search for it while I start to fret that I have technically only 4 more days to do that bloody paper after today... Sigh... Hopefully it is under the couch or something.

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