Friday, February 06, 2004

Friday.. I thought it will never come! Blah!

Anyhow still enjoying work without boss asking for this and that.. just that he sent emails and get you to help him with last minute slides! Did I ever mentioned that my workscope actually doesnt need me to do slides half the time. Oh well.. doesnt matter.. my boss is nice granted that he's a bit last minute .. *okay way too last minute!* so we help him when he needs it..

*we interupted this post to bring you an important disclaimer*

Disclaimer :By now I guess you would have known my circle of friends is really small so I keep going on abt 1 best friend.. she's my pri 2 frd till now.. so bear with me if you only hear that one person in my post.. ha!

*Now back to post*

Anyhow zohter was telling me abt our this air waitress *stewardess* classmate *anyhow coming from a girls school half of 2 classes are flying with our Singapore's pride.* msning her and seems.. disturbed.

Broke up with boyfrd.. Sad.. diet till affect gastric till rather serious.. depressing cut the story short her life is falling apart and she think she have the worse of the pie. I thought that was pathetic.. Everyone goes like life's unfair blah blah... well fairy tales are dead stuff I wonder if they know it. Nothing is fair ...wait.. even if fairy tales are real they sucks! Bambi and snow white's moms did died!

I thought in a way I am pretty lucky.. I mean I have my shares of down which everyone think is not often judging from my laughters and lame wit stuff. Is just a matter of perceptive if you asked me. I just refused to indulge in feeling sorry for myself too much. Maybe for a couple of hours.. and there's nothing a couple of tequila neat couldnt take care of....*snigger*

Anyhow.. God.. Thank Q for my life.. granted my friends are like hmmmm.. almost non existance.. I still think I have it great! heee..

Ok.. nuff of self reflecting!

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