Thursday, January 08, 2004

Finally get this thing running...

Not much of a computer whiz and my IT person always give me the 'what an idiot look' whenever I ask her about anything at all about where my data is.. ha! Like I care *roll eyeballs* ....

New year new start, read a few entries by people and thought they are so entertaining! So here I am trying out this new thing.. so any tips.. Share.. contructive that is...

Anyhoo.. let's just share my new resolution for the year..

1. To finally be healthier *Read : Shed more weight lah!* so I am going to ensure I stick to my blades and tennis. Oh wait.. I will skip those ropes faithfully....... come next week...or make it after chinese new year?!

2. To start doing something contructive *read: Writing blog counts right!*

3. Get a new job! After my last meeting in US. I totally got so depress about the state of business that I am bailing out.. hahaha so much for that pep talk! But seriously.. just got lazier and lazier so want to ensure that ommp.. is there in me. Biggest challenge yet!

4. To pysche myself for marriage. JK is waiting for me to give the go ahead to register the marriage. told him no way I am going to get married without a future in a job first. *Afterall I know how HR think married women are parasite! I know at least I do think that way... ya I know.. I sucks as a person *

There you go my very first Blog entry! *beaming like a proud mama* I write more once I get this working.. let me just try clicking th..i..s...

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