Wah I get hits by not posting... Makes me wonder...
Anyway became a mrs over national day and the feeling is....... STILL THE SAME! LOL.. Actually I had a lot of first time pending to this ROM.. and corrupted minds please sit out of this one..
I and blockhead spent so long planning and boy am I glad the day went as planned. The sky looks threatening to por in the morning but cleared up and gave us spiffy weather. I mean is national day leh.... MM Lee got that day marked for no rain so it wasnt much of a surprise to be truthful *haughty* Intitally wanted to get him something .. a present or sorta but couldnt figured out what he wanted ... I get him one when he comes back from his next trip. You know how I adore procrastination.. ha!
Anyway I had an amazing bouquet of cymbidum which the 2 of us put together. I am so damn proud of us this way. Decor the whole of little Bali ok nevermind it was a sprinkle of flowers and the use of big foliages to cover the tables and so theme style my guests came in their Bali casauals! Honeymoon in the very basic of Bali and so enjoyed myself the last few days. It was almost as heartbreaking when I had to say goodbye to the now hubby *cringe at the word* as he took off to China. Sigh..
So what was the first times I was talking about....
* First time getting mani and pendicure... Felt like a princess!!!
* First time doing the hairs with fresh flowers.
* First time getting the make up on.
* First time putting together such an elaborate bouquet together.
* First time... feeling so loved by the now hubby!
Anyway we took part 2 to alley bar to just drink and talk more with his buddies. It was fun while it lasted. Of course Zother came along and while some didnt join us like teng and such.. Zother presence is enough!
Bali was amazing and I am so going back.. I mean the whole place is decked with frangipanis and all.. It was like a live sized resort or something. Everything smell so frangipanis also.. okay aside from the village market that is.. LOL..So I learn a few facts on the Balinese and their rice fields are A M A Z I N G ~~ It is like a Kodak moment everywhere. Me and the new hubby were so engrossed with the sights that we missed out on a lot of pictures actually.. Ha. Oh and the amount of Volcanoes that Indonesia have while we were flying over the skies geeze... no wonder the hot spots are all there.. They are literally brewing. Mt Kintamani and Lake Batur was amazing.. reminds me of Grand Canyon execpt the ridges in the Canyon was so much steeper and deeper.I can still differeciate roads and stuff.. on the canyon I thought the line I saw from the station was something else but no.. it was the colorado river!!!
The waves at Legian was amazing.. it was like surfer paradise literally and the water.. arrggh... so cold. I never felt wave that big before and the amazing thing was the sand was black in colour and so fine. Nothing felt quite the same in Bali compared. God indeed love the ppl of Bali better.. their rice terrace are amazing with the abundance of water flowing from the mountain. I mean that was the firt time I been in indonesia and I love every minute of it and what made the deal sweeter was having the other half for company especially since we were multi tasking loads whenever he was back in sg with school. It wont be a good 2-3 months till I see him but that stretch of holidays totally was worth every minute of it.
Ok.. so reality hits and I am back at work *blah* Life's goes on yet again much to my dismay... yucks!
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