Tuesday, August 23, 2005

I have finally churn out the first of my LAST 2 assignment with Monash .... unless I took a flip and decide to fail it =( Anyhoo... not looking for As as usual.. I am just content with whatever gives! aint I a darling in that sense.. ha!

I took a lazy way out of way to do the homework and fake a medical vacation.. I dont know whether I am lucky that God gives me whatever I requested... ok maybe not all. However the big dam in the nose did hold up that much of fluid and my head did reminds me of a pumping blood vein that comes with a throbbing pain. So i got my wish and the doctor not only deemed me sick and I was given a low blood pressure condition which sorted startled me. Based on the junks I consume I would be the last person who have a low blood count/cholestrol/blood pressure. Anyway as I have it indeed I was the lucky contestant. the point was that I got what I wanted and was telling the ex-boyfrd (read: New Hubby) thru msn that I scared I screw up on acting sick. So God didnt to help me after all.. between the headache, nose congestion.. God decide that I should have a bout of run to top it off. Yes ladies and gentlemen.. I have the runs today as well. Not too much but enough to cause uncomfort.

So as I have it.. the wishes I wished DID come through yet again. I am trying my darnest to wish for a long long healthy life for my folks. Nothing material can top that. Now God listen good... gimme gimme gimme ....gimme what I wish for again... and no... I do not want any sickness this time round.

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