Friday, May 07, 2004

Finally! I have finished the 2 bloody-waste-my-valuable-leave-difficult-idiotic-stupid assignments! Godammit essays! although I have another 1 to submit next Wed. Meaning I am going to spend my birthday on sunday sloggin over that paper! Ok.. I was thinking maybe I can finished it Saturday.. I might still get to enjoy sunday! Ros sent me a copy of the assignment. She told me to do similar can ald... heehee.. Let's hope plagerism is not too obvious!

Anyway I was eating lunch at home today because took half day leave to work on the essays.. Mum fried a fish and cook some veggies. Make me think of the time when I was still in School.. After school I used to sometimes have lunch at home and I love it when mum cook. So nostalgia. Mom seldom cook lunch so was totally feeling so cosy today!You have to wait until you stay home away from work and you get to lavish in mum's pamper! sigh.. I feel so bad I am not doing anything for mom on mother's day. I used to tell this story every year when ppl asked me why I dont celebrate mom day.. not that I dont love her but just that the principle behind that matter..

I was a kiddo back then.. wanting to give my mom a surprise I sneak out in the morning to buy jelly powder and some ingredients to make this jelly feature in my magazine 'Funland'. One of the ingredient was evapourated milk. Being only 8 I have totally no idea and thought condensed milk must be the same thing. BIG MISTAKE.

Anyhow you can imagine the supposingly nice jello was weird with the condensed milk sweetness in it. I have no idea and still gave it to mum.. She totally refuse to touch it and say no way is she eating anything I made. I was so upset that day. Dad got to work on sundays back then and when he came back in the evening to see his lil o princess sulking in front of the TV. I told dad that mom didnt appreciate my effort and guess what.. my pops finished the whole jello! And he was saying it was nice! I tried a bite and I thought the taste was weird. Haha.. that's my pop.. trying to please his princess *snigger*

After that incident totally swore of mother day and every year I make a point not to get anything for mum.. totally unfillial I know but still cannot shake the shadow of that incident off.. haha. Anyway our family seldom give pressies and stuff. So might as well! heeee

Yeah finally going to submit my homework tomorrow and kiss it good bye! Enough of going through it again and again.. Blah!

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