Saturday, November 20, 2004

I finally did manage to wash the car... and right after a wipe the last bits... God did a lil o shower of blessing.. Owell.. at least I did wash the car.. never mind!

Is a fine and dandy *okie.. maybe not exactly fine.. but still.. GOOD* saturday and here I am moping and surfing the net and trying to feed this addiction of information hungry mind.. I had better make use of my time to get some things done.. like cleaning up the room.. by the way.. the room looks as thought it was hit by a tornado.. Then again.. That's me... You should see my office desk.. I dont know what is bigger than twister.. maybe is a hybrid of twister with earthquake and to top the icing.. a nuclear explosion had hit that table.. ha! I'm being dumb ignore me..

I dont know what hit me but I have a sudden urge to work overseas now.... is like a starving ambition that never got fulfilled.. I used to deter that notion considering the significant other will be alone in sg.. now that he takes off.. It sorta give me licence to do what I always wanted.. sigh.. so many things to WANT to do and so much PROCRASTINATION to go ahead with me plans.. sigh.. life's never fulfilling enough as I thought..

Have a want to start some business actually but what do I wanna do.. I am racking my head.. Starting a dimsum shoppe in AZ was ideal actually.. but I rather not.. too much hassle.. seeing how my counterparts from that part of the globe adores the Chinese *bits of hearts* literally translated I thought it got powerful buy factor..

Anyhow.. I should be wasting my life in front of the beam box.... after a nice bath that is.. Cool!

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