Monday, September 06, 2004

I had my first official weekend without darling and that is at least another 94 weeks in total for his 2 years work stinct.

I had the most amazing time just vegetating and flipping channels that I swear I had a blister coming on the thumb! Saturday I basically did nothing much..Went to take this Survey in Tampines and the woman paid me $20! Thanks Carol for the fast deal.. heee

On Friday, Oh my dear zohter came back with ciggies in her luggage and got caught by the custom people. She reached Singapore at like 5.05pm and I was due for a interview at 7pm * I know weird timing right but they are so desperate for me lah .. =P* and she called me up at 6.05pm while I was changing out of my regular work clothes for more executive clothes for the interview. Apparently none of her friends wanted to help her out to pay the $2k worth of fine first! I mean she have tons of friends but I think this whole ordeal proves who is and who isnt.

anyway I told her to wait for me while I go for the interview at Int' Plaza.. after the long interview *I got the job btw but I think Beewax will be better because it is nearer and having work for the MNC for the last 4 years.. being a typical pamper slave.... I think I taking beewax offer* anyhow.. more on the job later... so poor zohter waited for the rest of the evening till abt 10 when I reached the airport to pass her the fine money *did I remarked that I am officially broke?* ANYHOW.... that was the whole happening Friday of my entire week since JK went to China.. I trust if JK had been in Singapore we will have it easier. And...I am missing him... big time... sigh...

Waitaminit this blog is looking like a needy biatch longing for the boyfrd.. while.. I am so.. so sue me! =P

Anyway the job offer by A-ster *let's call them that* is good but weird thing is the lady boss wants me to be bond to the company for 3 years without any gratituity. I was not very thrilled because that is the thought of possible relocation if darling is to stay in China in time to come... So that was a major concern.. Although they were willing to pay mine asking price! DEcision decisions.. I hate them! Those are the things growns up dos and I hate it!

told JK when he called on Saturday and he said he'll tell me what his decision is.. I was pretty fix on Beewax even zohter said so.. Frankly.. it is the 5 day week.. and the MNC style which I am so used to. Call me a lazy slave but I get through. Imagine being a REAL executive without having to help out at the Stockroom to pull parts! What a career sucide I was driving myself in! howeve I am racking my brains on how to tell boss of my resignation. the 4 months bonus is painful but I trust I can get that money from Darling.. hahahhahaha... kiddin! But I am sure I get compensate somehow in the future.. not now.. but future!

Today that is sunfay...So I went for lesson in the morning... loiter a bit in Tampines... headed home... walked that is... haha... I enjoyed it! Saw Audrey at the MRT but didnt called her.. just didnt feel like.. not sure why...

Sit myself down infront of the TV and vegetate again.. flip channels ... laugh and be silly... darling called at about 4 plus in the afternoon.. he was in the office.. I so missed him to be truthful. We spent our weekends together... I get through weekdays but weekends are sacred! Now.. I sorta just dread weekends... duh! I know I am being an idiot. Darling thinking I wouldnt survive in SME because of their pettiness.. so told me to go what I feel I want.. say he coming back in 2 years and that's final so relocation shouldnt be a factor for considering to take up what offer... Whatever is the case.. I decide to go with Beewax..

I am just hoping I made the right decision.

I'm glad Monday is here... oh and dear told me the good news! He coming back first week OCTOBER!!! YEAHS!!! No need to count down to 70+ days! It be just 20 over days! *snigger* I am taking 1 step at a time..

It's weird but when he was in Singapore, I didnt miss him much and didnt feel the love that strong. But you know what... the distance making me all mushy and man.. do I miss him so much.. However pragmatic me told him not to call daily because the bill is going to kill, but he told me the reason why he is calling like daily because he so misses me.. Awwww.... I thought I heard his voice crack ..

Okay... nuff about the miss youmiss me crap.. Grossy! I let you in to my boss expression when he see the resignation tomorrow. Geeze! .....

Count down to see my hon : 25 days! *horray!!!*

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