Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Put in my best to TRY to study yesterday.. before I even finished what Lord Byron have to say about the romantics critics who were labeling those who think out of the box in their 'art' ... I fall asleep... Zzzzzzz Anyhow I reckon is nothin good =P

Cut my hair!! Snip off my fringe.. not totally but kinda soft and wavy and all. Spent like a bomb on it =( do some stupid treatment and stuff and people were still like saying stuff like.. 'machiam never do anything to your hair like that' *FUME* ..

Went to watch this movie at the new ... ok make it the 'new' old parliament house they opened it to make it into an art house. Imagine I was touching the knobs that Lee Kuan Yew used to touched before he tottered to his office!! Using the same staircases that David Marshall used to step to begin his many arguements with the opposition! It was so fascinating!! Watch any another enlightening art film! Noi Albinoi.. I dont know why but it is becoming a hobby or sorta... I seems to irks at the sight of major blockbuster but gobble readily at the art films. Bought tickets to the art festivals ald! I trust it will be another fruitful year!

Was actually accessing the wedding website.. to mentally prepared myself incase kenna ROM because of the flat.. was so envious of the girls!! telling each other of their 4 pronged solitaire their boyfriends propose with! I am so super duper jealous of them! And is not that 1 girl.. is so many of them raving about the stones and all.. Waaahhhh.. where is mine.. Ok Know I am like a big whiner now.. hee.. but no one I know is going to read this so might as well say it here. totally so jealous of them! As usual you know how a girl forum group works.. they have this girl who have the best of everything.. abt her 1 carat diamond ring, her hermes bag, her fabulous job, her older and more caring future hubby... I thought it was so pretentious.. And oh .. with an english name the mum and dad gave her.. She was wearing the whole crap with such grace.. And I was going hmmmmmppp...so familiar!

heee.. okay nuff bitching!

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