Thursday, April 26, 2007

I hate it when life doesnt move on and you stuck in the same rut. I am starting to think that nobody wants to hire me and here I am lamenting left right and center that life is so boring it makes watchin paint dry more interesting. Am I doing anything about it? Yes and no..... I wrote the resume... yes.... Was I being all easy and accepting challenges trying to pitch for jobs that falls in that category (read: location wise ; pay; 6 days work week) ... no

So you see, I'm getting nowhere getting a job and with the procrastination that I have about everything down to buying a stupid book it's no wonder I am still stuck in this comfy hole not willing to budge.

Let's put things in perspective but not that I dont want but to take a leap of faith into something I am clueless at makes it daunting and I am fearful that I will leap straight into hell all the 18th floor in Chinese folklore and 40th floor down under in Hindu legend.

Everything looks percuilarly boring and the most exciting thing that happen in the last 1 month was the fact I replace my cell which was just about time because the darn phone is drying me nuts being cranky at the wrong time. Oh and the outing I had with the girls last week was a riot... made me laugh and cried (tears from laughing...) all at the expense of our dear cuppa. I and ran were all analytical of the happenings of her life and laughing about how a simple IT fair can turn into some congregation for her and her friends. IT's deep and I rarely share such laughter with ppl/ frds because they arent on the same frequency.

Work's beginning to look like a real big drag with everyone thinking they can do my job better. It annoy me out of sort with people who think they can change the world with their big analogy of how things should work. I for one would like to take a back seat and see how they plan stuff without my help and see how they falter. Everyone like to play the blame game with me and I hate it absolutely because it's useless junk and being all pointy and lying through your teeth drives me nut. I would like to just land my fist straight into those teeth and plunge down his throat and make them gag on those broken bits that used to be teeth.

Life's is nice still because I get to use the nice flip phone and I have friends who make me roar with laughter albeit we were in one of those nice italian restaurant where everyone spoke like they were in church.

kooky lux

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