We survived the Chinese New Year in 1 piece. That were some questions why are we not having a baby yet. However easily brush off by me although it was hard.. I so wanted to share that we had 2 lovely pregnancies that got strike out before they can develope further. We were brought to the test of faith and I would wish nothing than for our Father, the one we call God to help us along this journey.
I had a bad scare after my darling mutt had an accident running into a glass door when he cannot stop in time 1 week before CNY. We thought he was fine and would be his normal self in a couple of days. I took it for granted my mutt is no longer a puppy, He is afterall 17 this year. I went to work a little worried but convinced he will be fine. A call from mum woke me up from reality. He ruined his knee which we had no clue and it was probably causing him so much pain that he attempt to chew out his leg. I rushed home after the call to see the floor stewn with blood and him curl up like a ball probably from extreme pain. I thought he was a goner and was vomitting blood. I have never ... ever feel so much anguish and pain in my entire life. I wail and I cried, I heard my heart shattered into a million pieces.
It was a reminise of the day I lost the twins. I so hate that pain have a way to find me so fast.
Lucky the hubby reached home a couple of minutes later, wrap the dog up in a towel and we went to the vet immediately. I was so close to losing my mutt that day.. so close! Brought him to the vet and was diagnois with a bad knee and the blood could be from the chew up leg and not from anywhere else. Instant Relief!!
I took leave for the entire week to nurse mutt back to health to which he did. Although not as nimble as before however I appreciate his quality of life is not affected yet again.
I thought I was well prepared for him to go but really not so. I pray that if God needs him back in his heavenly pound please let him go while he is sleeping. We just love him too much to see him suffer at all.
If you asked me the weekly fees I paid to have him go through accupuncture is worth it. I can tell you it is 100% worth it. I can scrimp on myself but never for my mutt.
To me he is a faithful companion for the last 17 years. The entire companionship is utterly priceless. So many people dont even have a chance to enjoy companionship of such.
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