Sunday, September 13, 2009

How do you revive a blog that only I read =) Just remind the milestone of my life will do of course!

My beloved mutt is 16 years old and still hale and hearty.

I married a good husband and still enjoying my marriage life very much

I have changed my job finally and doing well although stress is never far away.

I have touch snow in Japan, seen the pyramids in Egypt, witness the cruelty at Dachau in Germany, seen the mermaid status in Denmark, shop at factory outlets in Atlanta and swam with sharks in Maldives

Life couldnt be better. However the reason of revival of the blog because of the recent grieve that I have and I need an outlet to blab and this is the perfect place for it.

Beside mom and pop, JK and zother no one else is aware of it because it is just not me to share. I hate it that it was taken away from JK and I so soon and I wish life wasnt so unfair as I always lament.

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